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The Montmartre wine, in the heart of Paris

This week, we are going to talk about... Parisienne wine! Yes, in the heart of Paris, there is a small wineyard, named the Clos de Montmartre.

This famous Close Montmartre occupy a part(party) of the north side of the Mound Montmartre in the 18th district of Paris, along the street Saint Vincent and of the street des Saules. His address is moreover 14-18 rue des Saules. This incredible plot of vineyard is in earshot of legendary one cabaret, the Agile Rabbit and of the Museum of Montmartre. The plantation of the vineyard at the foot of the Sacré-Coeur dates 1932.

Closed Montmartre is the only vineyard worthy of the name in Paris. It covers 1556 m2, counts some 1760 feet and consists of about 27 vines (75 % of gamay, 20 % of pinot noir and 5 % of the other vines: siebel, Merlot, Gewurtzraminer, Riesling). The vineyard prospers here on a ground of sands of Fontainebleau (very siliceous) the basement of which consists of green clays, marls with oysters and gypsum. His owner is other than the City hall of Paris, under the yoke of the new oenologist of Paris, Sylviane Leplâtre* in charge of Closed Montmartre. The grape harvests took place on September 24th (in 2014). The picking of the grape on doubtless one of the smallest vineyards of France set only two hours. A good year in perspective!

Bio, of course!

The city of Paris in charge of the vineyard apply literally the biological principles by avoiding the use of chemicals, by weeding manually and by using some compost for the fertilization of the ground.

The annual production turns around 1000 kg of grapes completely treated and bottled in the cellars of the City hall of the 18th to produce the famous Close Montmartre :approximately 1200 bottles of usually red wine, quite numbered. But the vintage 2013 is a revolution. Sylviane Leplâtre, the new oenologist suggested making some rosé ( 950 bottles). This vintage wine was baptized Cuvée des poètes; a choice which it explains by the delay of maturity of the grape in 2013 and the imperative of harvest before the party of the grape harvests. The imperative thus was to make a good rosé rather than a red for the too acerbic tannin.

The grape harvests in Montmartre, a popular party!

After the grape harvests of Closed Montmartre opens the traditional Party of the grape harvests (the 81th edition in 2014), which is held every year, the first weekend of October. It attracts stars, notables of Montmartre, but also delegations of the French provinces, and knights of the wine-tasting cup of any regions. Most of the time, a personality is chosen to name the vintage (in 2014, two godfathers: the actress Sandrine Bonnaire and the singer Jacques Higelin.

After the Sleepless night and Paris beach, the Party of the Grape harvests of Montmartre is the third Parisian event in terms of attendance (between 400 000 and 500 000 people, according to the city hall of Paris). The product of the grape harvests is sold for the benefit of the Committee of Charity of the district (the 18th). You should come the next year!!

Come to visit them, there is not only the Eiffel Tower in Paris!

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